+353 87 904 2383 info@corkecology.net

Desk Based Assessments

Desk based assessment of existing published material is an important part of Environmental ConsultingPrior to conducting an EIA flora and fauna assessment of a development site, it can be advantageous to carry out a desk-top environmental assessment of the study area to highlight gaps in baseline environmental information, allowing a more focused and cost effective survey plan to be drawn up.

These reviews can be produced as scoping documents, drawing together existing knowledge of an area and detailing proposed aspects for further baseline study for discussion with relevant planning authorities.

Cork Ecology can carry out desk-top environmental assessments or produce scoping documents for specific projects, as required.

Recent Projects

  • Review of red-throated diver prey species in the Thames Estuary, as part of preliminary environmental studies for a proposed offshore wind farm
  • Review of available information on birds for a wind farm development in Mayo, as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Desk-based assessment of bird and marine mammal activity for a proposed offshore wind farm in the Irish Sea
  • Scoping report to assess baseline survey work required for an offshore wind farm EIA

Contact us for more details on our desk based assessment services